
TY's YouTube video:

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Build Order

Why is there no SALT encoding or Overwolf build?

  14    Supply Depot  
  15    Refinery  
  16    Barracks  
  19    Reaper  
  20    Orbital Command  
  20    Command Center  
  20    Supply Depot  
  21    Marine  
  22    Factory  
  23    Bunker  
  24    Barracks Reactor  
  24    Refinery  
  26    Hellion  
  29    Orbital Command  
  29    Starport  
  29    Marine x2  
  32    Widow Mine  
  34    Marine x2  
  36    Widow Mine  
  38    Medivac  
  41    Supply Depot  
  41    Marine x2  
  46    Factory Tech Lab  
  46    Marine x2  
  46    Supply Depot  
  48    Supply Depot  
  48    Starport Tech Lab  
  48    Siege Tank  
  51    Marine x2  
  54    Supply Depot  
  56    Raven  
  58    Marine x2  
  63    Command Center  
  64    Siege Tank  
  66    Refinery x2  
  71    Engineering Bay  constant marine tank production
  76    Factory x2  on starport tech lab
  90    Refinery x2  take 3rd with 2 gas
  100    Armory x2  swap rax off reactor
  103    Starport Reactor  
  120    Factory  3 tech lab 2 reactor
  120    Factory  cyclone hellion tank
  120    Terran Vehicle And Ship Armor Level 1  
  120    Terran Vehicle Weapons Level 1  
  120    Mag-Field Accelerator  
  120    Infernal Pre-Igniter  
  125    Command Center  
Spawning Tool Build Advisor. Get it on Overwolf


TY starts with a mine drop and lots of marines to mask mech and survive the early game where mech is the weakest. Goal early is to get to 3 bases and play defensively as mech can die easily to Protoss push pre-150 supply. Mid game goal is to get a good 2-2 timing push. Composition is important. Against long ranged units (collosi/stalkers), tanks are important. Against short ranged units, focus on cyclone/hellion for kiting. Scouting stargate is also important because your tanks will be useless against carriers. Thors, vikings, and cyclones will help against airtoss.

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  • Created by: vokobe
  • Published on: Aug 26, 2020
  • Modified on: Aug 26, 2020
  • Patch: 4.11.0
  • Difficulty: Medium

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