Basic Macro PvP Opening
14 | 0:18 | | |
16 | 0:38 | | |
17 | 0:48 | | |
18 | 0:56 | | |
19 | 1:09 | | |
21 | 1:25 | | |
22 | 1:36 | | |
24 | 2:00 | | |
29 | 2:11 | | |
29 | 2:32 | | |
33 | 2:50 | | |
33 | 2:58 | | |
33 | 3:01 | | |
37 | 3:13 | | |
37 | 3:18 | |
Generally go for 2 base, 45 workers, 8 gates, 1 robo, charge, attack upgrades, and templar archives before taking third. Only probe up and take gasses at third if you feel safe.
Adjustments based on opponent's opening as follows:
Vs Proxy Robo: Cut probes, get 2 more batteries (3 total), pull 2 probes out of gas, make units and defend, watch out for warp prism in main (can patrol probe), get 2 immortals then prism. If they go disruptors (watch for additional immortals not showing up) then get phoenix.
Vs Proxy Oracle: Try to kill pylon if you find it; 2 Stalkers in main at 3:25. Get Forge, +1, Twilight, Charge, then Robo. Goal is +2 timing heavy on archon/zealot.
Vs Macro/Expand: Cancel battery, chrono workers (no probe cut until 45 workers), try two adept harass, get two immortals and prism, continue general approach.