
This is a game 1 of the GSL RO16 INnoVation v Stats and I wanted to post my version of it for the ladder. This build is now pretty standard for more macro-oriented TvPs. The general idea is to have the raven ready to double disable the first two Colossi as you're pushing out with 2-3 tanks with your stim/CC/+1 weapon timing (but I imagine this would be strong for disrupters too). This build should hit your opponents natural, assuming he didn't attempt to fight you out in the field to bait your interference matrix, around 7:20 from this VOD.

If you feel something should be altered, HMU and I'll take your consideration seriously.


Build Order

Get SALT Encoding   

  14  0:17  Supply Depot  
  15  0:39  Barracks  
  16  0:44  Refinery  
  19  1:27  Reaper, Orbital Command  
  20  1:43  Command Center  
  21  1:54  Supply Depot  
  21  1:59  Barracks Reactor  
  21  2:06  Refinery  
  22  2:16  Bunker  
  23  2:23  Factory  
  24  2:35  Marine  
  27  2:56  Orbital Command  
  31  3:09  Starport  
  31  3:11  Widow Mine  
  37  3:28  Supply Depot  
  37  3:34  Widow Mine  
  43  3:42  Medivac  
  45  3:48  Barracks  
  48  3:56  Factory Tech Lab  Once second mine is completed, build TL attachment.
  48  4:00  Supply Depot  
  50  4:13  Siege Tank, Starport Tech Lab  Produce Siege Tank when TL complete., Once medivac is completed.
  55  4:24  Supply Depot  
  57  4:32  Refinery  
  75  4:35  Raven  After completion, Lift Starport to build reactor.
  60  4:36  Barracks  
  60  4:44  Engineering Bay  
  64  4:54  Refinery  
  64  4:55  Stimpack, Factory Tech Lab  One first tank is complete, lift factory and build new TL.
  70  5:12  Terran Infantry Weapons Level 1  
  75  5:26  Starport Reactor  Build after raven is complete.
  72  5:29  Siege Tank  Resume Siege Tank production.
  85  5:54  Combat Shield  
  88  6:00  Medivac x2  
  94  6:10  Marauder x2  Begin Marauder production.
  98  6:25  Command Center  Third CC
  104  6:34  Factory Reactor  To begin mine production follow up.
  110  6:54  Barracks  Build on old factory TL location.
  110  6:55  Barracks  
  110  6:56  Concussive Shells  
  112  7:05  Terran Infantry Armor Level 1  Once +1 weapons are completed.
  106  8:05  Barracks Reactor  
Spawning Tool Build Advisor. Get it on Overwolf


I'm not sure how frequently this build is used in ladder TvP. The primary power of this build seems to be the flawless ability to macro, along with pressuring the Protoss to keep some stalkers at home to handle the incoming mine drop while preparing the initial timing attack.

INnoVation sends his initial scout SCV at 19 supply to gain some information on Stats beginning BO.

It might be a good idea to build a bunker at an earlier time than INnoVation's at 3:55. He scouted Stats' Robotics early and Stats was maintaining a defensive posture, so he was allowed to delay the bunker this game.

If the Protoss has spotted the incoming drop, INnoVation usually retreats his dropship from the Protoss' base and keeps it in the proximity to threaten the probes in a mineral line (That last sentence prior to this comment is based on his recent Group D showing in the RO16). It's important to watch out for spotter pylons, being that Stats was able to see the dropship before it actually made it to his natural.

INnoVation's initial move out at 6:36, he loads a medivac with marines to perform a drop while pushing forward. This is useful to test the multi-task abilities of the Protoss player.

Go to:


  • Created by: DougDemuro
  • Published on: Jun 02, 2019
  • Modified on: Jun 02, 2019
  • Patch: 4.7.1
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