Map: Ever Dream LE


StarGirL - Winner!

  • Race: Zerg Zerg
  • League: Master
  • Spawn Location: 1:00


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Scouting: use your first overlord to scout their natural. Try to keep it on the high ground and you can then use it to double check what's in their natural wall off. Look for units such as hellions/marines and buildings such as their third cc or double ebays. By 3:30 you should know if your opponent is going for hellions or not. After confirming it's hellions, it's usually a safe bet there will be banshees or liberators or battle cruisers. If you see a viking first, you can delay your spores by ~30ish seconds (spore timings listed below). It's recommended to blind spore vs terran 1-1-1 openings. From here, your main focus is not getting supply blocked and droning. Try to follow the hellion movement with your queens and use your lings to prevent the hellions from running past the queens. Stay on creep at all times. Use creep and overlords to be in position at all times and just focus on droning benchmarks. 66 drones by 6 minutes is the gold standard. If you can hit that you're in a fantastic position. Being 30ish seconds later is still playable. Around 6 minutes is when you'll want to figure out if you're playing vs mech or bio as well. It's fairly easy to scout this. Just try running a couple lings into his natural or using your overlord over his nat if it's still alive. Be careful of his hellions on the map and just look for what's being produced when they get to his base. A normal bio build only gets 4-8 hellions and will be building marines behind that. The ling scouts are looking for marine/hellion count, double engy bay, and what their extra production is. Most of the time you'll be able to figure out mech/bio just from the units they're still making. If they're still making hellions its probably mech and if there's marines it's probably bio. The nice thing is vs both possibilities you continue fairly similarly just making hydra bane and later droning your 4th. Vs mech you want your infestation pit faster for swarmhost.

3:30 - Make up to ~16ish lings vs 1-1-1 to defend hellion runby
4:15-4:30 make spores vs 1-1-1 to defend liberator/banshee
4:30 Double evo
Lair and bane nest after 1-1
At 3 base saturation start taking remaining gases. I start by taking the ones at my third and when those are done I take the nat and main gases.
After saturating gases, take your 4th base and macro hatch.
@100% lair, bane speed and hydra den
At 3 base saturation, start ling production to defend the bio push. You'll need about 40 lings and 8 banes before continuing drone production.
8:00 build infestation pit and 5th base
Stay on 6 gas until you notice you're being gas starved. Usually when going up to hive you'll need 7-8 gases but don't take them right away.


  • Played on: May 19, 2020, 11:46 p.m.
  • Length: 9:12
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StarGirL Zerg - Winner!

Build Orders: Hatch First 

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  12  0:02  Drone  
  12  0:13  Overlord  
  12  0:17  Drone  
  12  0:31  Drone x2  
  12  0:48  Hatchery  
  12  0:51  Drone  
  12  0:55  Drone  
  12  0:57  Drone  
  12  1:09  Extractor  
  12  1:13  Spawning Pool  
  12  1:16  Drone  
  12  1:20  Drone  
  12  1:29  Drone  
  12  1:39  Drone  
  12  1:51  Overlord  
  12  2:00  Queen x2  
  12  2:01  Zergling x4  
  12  2:08  Metabolic Boost  
  12  2:10  Drone  
  12  2:11  Drone  
  12  2:21  Drone  
  12  2:22  Drone  
  12  2:35  Hatchery  
  12  2:36  Drone  
  12  2:40  Drone  
  12  2:45  Overlord  
  12  2:50  Queen  
  12  2:54  Drone  
  12  2:59  Drone x2  
  12  3:06  Drone  
  12  3:07  Drone  
  12  3:09  Drone x2  
  12  3:10  Overlord  
  12  3:16  Drone  
  12  3:18  Drone  
  12  3:26  Queen  
  12  3:30  Drone  
  12  3:32  Overlord  
  12  3:38  Zergling x2  
  12  3:41  Zergling x6  
  12  3:47  Queen  
  12  3:48  Overlord  
  12  3:49  Drone  
  12  3:52  Zergling x2  
  12  3:58  Drone x4  
  12  4:02  Queen  
  12  4:03  Drone  
  12  4:05  Overlord  
  12  4:09  Drone  
  12  4:13  Drone x4  
  12  4:20  Drone x2  
  12  4:23  Spore Crawler  
  12  4:24  Queen, Spore Crawler  
  12  4:25  Spore Crawler  
  12  4:32  Drone  
  12  4:34  Overlord  
  12  4:35  Drone x2  
  12  4:36  Evolution Chamber x2  
  12  4:37  Drone  
  12  4:39  Drone  
  12  4:41  Drone x2  
  12  4:43  Drone  
  12  4:46  Drone x2  
  12  4:48  Drone x2  
  12  4:52  Drone x2  
  12  4:57  Drone x3  
  12  5:04  Extractor  
  12  5:05  Zerg Melee Weapons Level 1, Zerg Ground Armor Level 1  
  12  5:06  Drone x3, Extractor  
  12  5:12  Drone x4  
  12  5:13  Drone  
  12  5:17  Drone  
  12  5:19  Lair  
  12  5:23  Extractor, Drone x2  
  12  5:24  Extractor, Baneling Nest  
  12  5:25  Overlord  
  12  5:26  Overlord  
  12  5:29  Drone x3  
  12  5:34  Extractor  
  12  5:37  Drone  
  12  5:45  Hatchery  
  12  5:47  Hatchery  
  12  5:49  Overlord x2  
  12  5:50  Zergling x8  
  12  5:59  Zergling x16  
  12  6:03  Overlord  
  12  6:04  Overlord  
  12  6:13  Zergling x6  
  12  6:16  Centrifical Hooks  
  12  6:18  Drone  
  12  6:20  Hydralisk Den  
  12  6:23  Baneling x8  
  12  6:25  Drone x6  
  12  6:28  Drone x3  
  12  6:39  Overlord x2  
  12  6:40  Zergling x6  
  12  6:44  Zergling x2  
  12  6:50  Zergling x2  
  12  6:52  Muscular Augments  
  12  6:56  Hydralisk x4  
  12  6:57  Hydralisk x3  
  12  7:07  Zergling x6  
  12  7:17  Overlord x3  
  12  7:19  Zergling x14  
  12  7:20  Zergling x2  
  12  7:26  Baneling x8  
  12  7:29  Hydralisk x2  
  12  7:39  Drone  
  12  7:42  Infestation Pit  
  12  7:44  Hydralisk x3  
  12  7:45  Zergling x2  
  12  7:46  Zergling x4  
  12  7:47  Zergling x2  
  12  7:48  Zergling x2  
  12  7:50  Hatchery  
  12  8:00  Overlord x2  
  12  8:03  Zergling x24  
  12  8:13  Baneling  
  12  8:14  Baneling x9  
  12  8:15  Hydralisk x4  
  12  8:18  Hydralisk  
  12  8:20  Zergling x6  
  12  8:50  Zergling x38  
  12  9:11  Unknown  
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  • Supply blocks, unpowered buildings, or Contaminate may cause inaccurate times.
  • Supply counts are checked every 10 seconds.