Map: Unit Preloader


Piroxiljin - Winner!

  • Race: Terran Terran
  • Spawn Location: 9:00


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  • Played on: Feb. 2, 2019, 8:07 a.m.
  • Length: 0:48
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Piroxiljin Terran - Winner!

Build Orders: 1/1/1, Cyclone Opening 

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  6  -2:57  Greater Spire  
  6  -1:11  Lair  
  6  -1:23  Ultralisk  
  6  -1:26  Infestor, Queen  
  6  -1:28  Planetary Fortress  
  6  -1:38  Hydralisk  
  6  -1:39  Orbital Command  
  6  -1:43  Roach  
  6  -1:48  Hellion  
  6  -1:50  Drone  
  244  0:00  Raven, Mutalisk x3, Hellion, Medivac, Colossus x2, Immortal x2, Ultralisk x3, Banshee, Ghost, Archon, Marauder, Overlord x2, Probe x5, Thor, Phoenix x2, High Templar x2, Hydralisk x3, Roach x3, Stalker x2, Viking, Observer, Carrier, Zealot x2, Siege Tank, Queen, Drone x3, Disruptor, Mothership, Reaper, Adept x2, Marine, Void Ray x2, Warp Prism x2, Infestor x3, Corruptor x3, Battlecruiser, Zergling x6  
  244  0:01  Stalker, Archon, Dark Templar, Assimilator x2, Sentry, Armory, High Templar, Cybernetics Core, Refinery, Zealot  
  244  0:02  Baneling, Refinery, Barracks, Assimilator x2, Dark Shrine, Ravager, Cyclone, Extractor x4, Brood Lord, Lurker  
  244  0:03  Refinery x2, Hatchery, Ultralisk Cavern  
  244  0:04  Spine Crawler, Spire, Nydus Network, Bunker, Fleet Beacon, Spawning Pool, Nydus Canal, Spore Crawler  
  244  0:05  Evolution Chamber, Infestation Pit, Unknown, Gateway, Roach Warren, Engineering Bay, Hydralisk Den, Forge, Baneling Nest  
  244  0:06  Factory  
  234  0:07  Fusion Core, Photon Cannon  
  234  0:08  Ghost Academy, Pylon  
  234  0:09  Missile Turret, Robotics Bay  
  234  0:10  Robotics Facility, Sensor Tower  
  234  0:11  Starport  
  234  0:12  Stargate, Supply Depot  
  234  0:14  Command Center  
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  • Supply blocks, unpowered buildings, or Contaminate may cause inaccurate times.
  • Supply counts are checked every 10 seconds.