
1 Siege Tank + 4 Marines built by 04:00 are aimed to defend expansion from possible harrasment. 4 Missile Turrets built by 04:30 are supposed to block the protoss' observers. Hiding battlecruisers as long as possible is crucial!

Generated with CarbonTwelve's Starcraft Fusion.

Build Order

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  13  0:02  SCV  
  14  0:14  SCV  
  14  0:17  Supply Depot  
  15  0:26  SCV  
  16  0:38  SCV  
  16  0:40  Barracks  
  16  0:44  Refinery  
  17  0:51  SCV  
  18  1:04  SCV  
  18  1:06  Action (Move SCVs to Gas)  
  19  1:16  SCV  
  19  1:28  Orbital Command  
  19  1:39  Command Center  
  19  1:47  Supply Depot  
  20  1:54  SCV, Action (Call MULE)  
  21  1:56  Marine  
  22  2:06  SCV  
  22  2:08  Factory  
  22  2:15  Engineering Bay  
  23  2:18  SCV  
  24  2:21  Marine  
  24  2:24  Refinery  
  25  2:30  SCV  
  25  2:32  Refinery  
  26  2:39  Marine  
  27  2:43  SCV  
  28  2:52  SCV, Factory Tech Lab  
  29  2:55  SCV  
  30  3:00  Marine, Action (Call MULE)  
  31  3:04  SCV  
  32  3:07  SCV  
  33  3:16  SCV  
  36  3:18  Siege Tank, Action (Move SCVs to Gas)  
  37  3:20  SCV  
  37  3:23  Command Center  
  39  3:31  SCV x2  
  39  3:33  Refinery  
  39  3:36  Missile Turret x2  
  39  3:40  Action (Move SCVs to Gas)  
  41  3:43  SCV x2  
  43  3:55  SCV x2, Action (Move SCVs to Gas)  
  43  4:03  Starport  
  43  4:05  Action (Call MULE)  
  44  4:10  Missile Turret x2, SCV  
  44  4:17  Orbital Command  
  44  4:20  Refinery  
  44  4:24  Refinery  
  45  4:26  SCV  
  47  4:37  SCV x2  
  47  4:39  Fusion Core  
  47  4:42  Action (Move SCVs to Gas x2, Call MULE)  
  47  4:44  Starport  
  50  4:48  SCV x3  
  50  4:53  Supply Depot  
  50  4:58  Starport Tech Lab  
  53  5:00  SCV x3  
  53  5:10  Action (Call MULE)  
  53  5:20  Action (Switch Starport and Factory)  
  65  5:27  Battlecruiser x2  
  65  5:32  Orbital Command  
  66  5:34  Barracks Tech Lab, SCV  
  66  5:44  Starport  
  66  5:52  Stimpack  
  66  5:58  Supply Depot x2  
  66  6:01  Armory x2  
  66  6:05  Factory Tech Lab  
  66  6:15  Action (Call MULE)  
  66  6:23  Action (Switch Starport and Factory)  
  84  6:32  Battlecruiser x3  
  84  6:36  Supply Depot x2  
  85  6:38  SCV  
  85  6:46  Terran Ship Weapons Level 1  
  85  6:48  Terran Vehicle And Ship Armor Level 1  
  85  6:54  Action (Call MULE)  
  88  6:58  SCV x3  
  88  7:03  Action (Call MULE)  
  91  7:10  SCV x3  
  91  7:14  Weapon Refit  
  91  7:16  Supply Depot x2  
  94  7:22  SCV x3, Action (Call MULE)  
  95  7:34  SCV  
  113  7:38  Battlecruiser x3  
  114  7:41  Supply Depot, SCV  
  116  7:44  SCV x2  
  117  7:53  Supply Depot, SCV  
Spawning Tool Build Advisor. Get it on Overwolf


What we must have by 08:45 is as follows.

Income: 2836M 684G.

Buildings: 3 Orbital Commands, 6 Refineries, 11 Supply Depots, 1 Barracks, 1 Factory, 3 Starport With Tech Lab, 1 Engineering Bay, 2 Armories, 1 Fusion Core, 4 Missile Turrets.

Units: 65 SCVs, 8 Battlecruisers, 4 Marines, 1 Siege Tank.

Research: Stimpack, Ship Weapons 1, Vehicle & Ship Armor 1, Weapon Refit (all are completed).

Go to:


  • Created by: Turir
  • Published on: Apr 26, 2017
  • Modified on: Jun 21, 2017
  • Patch: 3.8.0
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Comments (10)

On May 19, 2019, 12:46 p.m., Turir  said:

NaCl_Daddy, you normally put one turret inside the main's mineral line. The others should be placed a such way that an observer won't be able to pass the edge of your main and spot a fusion core. BCs can be hidden in your corner of the map until you get enough of them.

However, it makes less sense to hide a fusion core since the patch that brought us the BC's buff. The strategy became more popular and thus somewhat expected, whether it was scouted or not. Now it's far more reasonable to just build turrets inside mineral lines to protect them from oracle harass.

On May 13, 2019, 6:14 p.m., NaCl_Daddy  said:

Hey, Any tips for building / turret placement to help hide the cruisers?

On Jan. 20, 2018, 8:39 a.m., Benirons  said:

Thanks for the response, this puts my mind at ease :)

Think my best time when #8 BC popped was 9:10 or so. I'm perfectly content with that given how much APM im currently capable of.

I'll focus on supply count more in the future, and use the time stamps as just a general guideline.

Wanted to thank you for the build btw, had some pretty sick 4v4 games with this build order :)

On Jan. 20, 2018, 7:41 a.m., Turir  said:

Benirons, you should rely on supply count when using any build. Time stamps are introduced for convinience and they show the result of perfect execution. The last consists in optimizing mining workers among other things, as far as every new SCV automatically trying to find "his best" mineral patch basically loses mining time. Perfectly a player must assign every new worker manually to less saturated patch (unfortunately, changing the rally point of the CC beforehand doesn't do the trick). This is how pro players get their first supply depot right at 0:17.

On Jan. 17, 2018, 8:03 p.m., Benirons  said:

There has to be something wrong with the times in the build order. According to the score screen build order my depot is 1 second late (@ 0:18). I put it right next to my CC while practicing the build, and the SCV is moved in advance to start building as soon as i have 100 minerals.

From then on everything is a tad later as well, and slowly snowballs into a good half a minute by the end. Im sure i can shave off a few more secs, but IMO the times r just too soon here.

On Jan. 17, 2018, 2:05 p.m., Benirons  said:

@Turir, u have me confused. According to build order, 3rd CC is turned into orbital at 5:32. Regarding ur comment the 2nd CC is turned into orbital at 4:17 as per the build order above, and not the third. I am wondering y orbital is delayed so much though.

I am struggling very much to keep up with the build order in real time. Are some of the timings not too early later on? This is the first build order im trying to learn though with the help of the app, so might be just that i need way more practice.

On Jan. 17, 2018, 2:05 p.m., Benirons  said:

@Turir, u have me confused. According to build order, 3rd CC is turned into orbital at 5:32. Regarding ur comment the 2nd CC is turned into orbital at 4:17 as per the build order above, and not the third. I am wondering y orbital is delayed so much though.

I am struggling very much to keep up with the build order in real time. Are some of the timings not too early later on? This is the first build order im trying to learn though with the help of the app, so might be just that i need way more practice.

On June 14, 2017, 9:42 a.m., SagasPappa  said:

Thx for fast editing :)

On June 14, 2017, 9:39 a.m., Turir  said:

SagasPappa, you transform your 3rd CC into Orbital command at 4:17.
The third CC is placed at 3:23 and there was a mistake. Thank you for having pointed it out!

On June 14, 2017, 9:34 a.m., SagasPappa  said:

4:17 should be Command Center instead of Orbital command, I guess?

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